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list Vacant Seats for Second Counseling and Walk-in InterviewSpot Admissions for B.Ed. SE (ID) and M.Ed. SE (ID) for Academic Year 2024-26.OfficeMemorandumpdf (Size: 80.3 kb) aadrreeta

list Revised list of shortlisted & not shortlisted candidates for the position of Assistant Professor in Rehabilitation Psychology.OfficeMemorandumpdf (Size: 147 kb) aadrreeta

list Revised list of shortlisted & not shortlisted candidates for the post of Assistant Professor in Special Education.OfficeMemorandumpdf (Size: 147 kb) aadrreeta

list Revised list of Shortlisted & Not Shortlisted candidates for the post of Lecturer in Rehabilitation Psychology.OfficeMemorandumpdf (Size: 145 kb) aadrreeta

list List of shortlisted and not shortlisted candidates for the post of Assistant Professor in Special Education.OfficeMemorandumpdf (Size: 143 kb) aadrreeta

list M.Phil Entrance Examination Results for the academic year 2024-26.OfficeMemorandumpdf (Size: 43.3 kb) aadrreeta

list Admission Notification for Diploma in Indian Sign Language Interpretation (DISLI) for the Academic year 2024-25 at NIEPID HQ's Secunderabad.ELearningicon (Size: 24.0 Kb) aadrreeta

list Admission Notification for various courses for the Academic year 2024-25 at NIEPID HQ's Secunderabad & its RC's Noida, Kolkata and Navi Mumbai & its CRC's Davangere, Nellore and Rajnandgaon.ELearningicon (Size: 24.0 Kb) aadrreeta

list NIEPID is compiling a list of Special Schools functioning in the States/Union Territories for onward submission to the Department of Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities (DEPwD), MSJ&E, Government of India.ELearningicon  aadrreeta

list Admission notification for foreign students for the academic year 2024-25.OfficeMemorandumpdf (Size: 1.7 Mb) aadrreeta

list Posters on NIPUN Bharat Lakshyas From Balvatika to Grade 3. ELearningicon (Size: 11.8 Kb)

list Enhancement of fee for various services offered at NIEPID.OfficeMemorandumpdf (Size: 570 Kb)

list Life Certificate Form for Pensioners.OfficeMemorandumpdf (Size: 131 Kb)

list Handbook on Early Intervention Centres for Children with Disabilities. OfficeMemorandumpdf  (Size: 11.6 MB)


list Rolling Workshop on Early Intervention Services.   OfficeMemorandumpdf (Size: 259 Kb)

list National Education Policy 2020.OfficeMemorandumpdf (Size: 637 Kb)

list Use of Intellectual content about NIEPID publications.OfficeMemorandumpdf (Size: 477 Kb)

list Common Yoga Protocol.ELearningicon (Size:12.0 KB)

list Corona Virus Related Information. ELearningicon (Size:20.3 KB)

list Protocol for Psychological Services. OfficeMemorandumpdf (Size:2.07 MB)

list List of Holidays during the year 2024. OfficeMemorandumpdf  (Size: 1.49 Mb)

list Internship and Data Collection opportunities at NIEPID. OfficeMemorandumpdf  (Size: 834 kb)

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