

    1. What is DDRS?

      DDRS stands for Deendayal Divyangjan Rehabilitation Scheme under which, the Central Government has been providing grant-in-aid to non-governmental organizations (NGOs) for projects relating to rehabilitation of persons with disabilities aimed at enabling them to reach and maintain their optimal, physical, sensory, intellectual, physic- social functional levels. Details DEPwD of the scheme are available at website as well as E-Anudaan portal i.e.

    2. What is/are the Objectives of DDRS?

      The objectives of the scheme are:

      • To create an enabling environment to ensure equal opportunities, equity, social justice and empowerment of persons with
      • To encourage voluntary action for ensuring effective implementation of the Revised Persons with Disabilities Act, 2016 (RPwD
        Act, 2016).
    3. What are the activities/components admissible for grant under DDRS?

      The following components are admissible for assistance under the Scheme under various model projects:

      1. Recurring expenditure
        • Honorarium to staff
        • Transportation of beneficiaries
        • Stipend for beneficiaries/hostel maintenance
        • Cost of Raw Materials
        • Contingencies to meet office expenses, electricity and water charges etc.
        • Rent
      2. Non-recurring expenditure such as furniture, equipment etc.
    4. What are the model projects under the DDRS?

      The following are the 8 Model Projects under DDRS :-

      1. Cross Disability Pre-Schools and Early Intervention with provision for Home-Based Rehabilitation and Community-Based Rehabilitation Project.
      2. Special School for the children with Hearing Disability with option for Home Based Rehabilitation and Community-Based Rehabilitation Project.
      3. Special School for the children with Visual Disability (including Deafblindness) with option for Home Based Rehabilitation and Community-Based Rehabilitation Project and Low Vision Centre Project.
      4. Special School for the children with other disabilities (ID/CP/ASD/MD/ Muscular Dystrophy, Deafblindness etc) with option for Home Based Rehabilitation and Community-Based Rehabilitation Project.
      5. Rehabilitation of Leprosy Cured Persons with option for Home-Based Rehabilitation & Community-Based Rehabilitation Project.
      6. Half Way Home for Psycho-Social Rehabilitation of Treated and Controlled individuals with Mental Illness with option for Home-Based Rehabilitation & Community-Based Rehabilitation Project.
      7. Preparatory / Remediation Centre for Children with Specific Learning Disabilities to continue Inclusive Education Project.
      8. Cross-Disability Therapy and Counseling Centre Project.
    5. What is the minimum strength required (children as well as staff)?

      The minimum strength required (children as well as staff) for each project is different and mentioned under scheme for each project.

    6. Which organisations are eligible to apply for grant-in-aid under DDRS?

      The following organizations/institutions shall be eligible to apply for assistance under this scheme:

      1. Organisation registered under the Societies Registration Act, 1860 (XXI of 1860), or any relevant Act of the State/Union Territory; or,
      2. A Trust registered under the Indian Trust Act, 1882 or any other similar Act for the time being in force; or,
      3. A Not-for-Profit company registered under Section 8 of the Companies Act, 2013 or any relevant Act for the time being in force

      Further, the registration should have been in force for at least 2 years at the time of applying for grant under this scheme.

      An organization/institution specified in para (i) to (iii) above should have the following characteristics:

      1. It should have a properly constituted managing body with its powers, duties and responsibilities clearly defined and laid down in writing.
      2. It should have resources, facilities and experience for undertaking the programme.
      3. It should not be run for profit to any individual or a body of individuals.
      4. It should not discriminate against any person or group of persons on the grounds of sex, religion, caste or creed.
      5. It should ordinarily have existed for a period of two years.
      6. Its financial position should be sound.
    7. How to apply for grant-in-aid?

      All applications by NGOs seeking Grant-in-aid (GIA) under Deendayal Divyangjan Rehabilitation Scheme (DDRS) should have register themselves on NGO Darpan portal of NITI and to get Unique ID. Thereafter, they have to apply through on-line process on the online E-Anudaanportal of the

    8. Where can an organisation get formats for all the documents required as per scheme?

      All the formats are available in the scheme document which is available at the E-Anudaan portal well aswebsite of the Department

    9. When can an organisation apply for grant-in-aid for a financial year?

      The MSJE E-Anudaan organisations to apply for grant-in-aid as and when notified in a particular year.

    10. What is the last date of submitting the application on the online portal?

      The applications for grant-in-aid can be submitted by an organisation till the end of financial year or as notified, whichever is earlier. However, it is advisable to submit the online application within the first quarter of the financial year. This is because it gives sufficient time to District and State Authorities to forward the proposal to this Department.

    11. What is a New Case?

      A Project which has not received any grant-in-aid under DDRS is considered a New Case. Even though it may be applying for the same project in previous years without getting sanction.

    12. What is an Ongoing Case?

      An organisation which is getting regular grant-in-aid under DDRS every year is considered as Ongoing Case.

    13. What is the channel of submission of application of grant-in-aid under DDRS?

      After application is submitted online it directly goes to the District Welfare Officer online for inspection. After inspection by District authoritees, the application gets forwarded online to State Government of the concerned state. The State Government then scrutinizes all the proposals in State Grant-in-Aid Committee and eligible organisations are forwarded with State governments recommendation to Central Government for release of grant-in-aid online through portal itself. If the proposal is a new case, then, it is also scrutinized by Screening Committee set up by Department of Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities (DEPwD). For ongoing cases, it will be processed for grant-in-aid, if all documents in order.

    14. How does an organisation receive grant-in-aid?

      Gia shall be disburesed to Central Nodal Agency which further assign the limit of GIA in Zero Balance Subsidaiary Account of NGO/Implementing Agency.

    15. Can organisation receive grant-in-aid of previous financial year in current financial year?

      Yes, as per Rule 230(15)of General Financial Rules, 2017, the grant-in-aid to any organisation can be given for previous 2 years if it is ongoing case and documents are found in order.

    16. Is it mandatory to upload the list of beneficiaries on the website of the organisation?

      Yes, Organization is required to upload the list of beneficiaries on the website of the organisation with start of each academic year.

    17. Can an organisation make payment of honorarium to its staff through cash?

      No, under DDRS every organisation must pay honorarium to its staff through ECS.

    18. What are the minimum number of installments in which an organisation receives grant-in-aid for the year?

      As per scheme, an organisationcan receive grant-in-aid even in single installment also only after submission of Audited Accounts.

    19. What are the documents required from organisation to process grant-in-aid?
    Documents Required
    Sl. No Application As per the Electronic Application form in E-Anudaanprtal.
    1. Registration Certificate under Registration of Societies Act etc. valid Registration and RPwD certificates are required to be submitted along with application.
    2. Registration Certificate under PWD Act 1995/RPwD Act, 2016 valid Registration and RPwD certificates are required to be submitted along with application.
    3. Details of the Managing/Executive Committee Names, residential addresses, telephone numbers, email addresses of members and website address of the organization, etc is required.
    4. Rent Agreement indicating validity period and details of accommodation available As prescribed in the scheme. To be submitted along with application form.
    5. Staff List As per prescribed format in the scheme. The staff list should clearly indicate their date of appointment, complete qualification (if abbreviation used, details may be given), experience etc.
    6. Certificate of Educational Qualification Copies of certificates of all staff appointed under the project are required.
    7. List of Beneficiaries As per the prescribed format in the scheme, clearly indicating date of birth, date of admission under the project (total time spent under the project), category & percentage of disability, class/standard in case of school etc.
    8. Total Budget Estimate This should include details of estimated expenditure separately on each item and post, as per scheme/project.
    9. Annual Report/Progress Report Details of activities of the organisation in the previous year are to be indicated. In the case of new proposals for grant-in-aid, Annual Reports for the previous 2 years are required.
    10. Statement of Accounts (Consolidated and for the project being funded under the scheme) – Balance Sheet, Receipt & Payment Statement and Income & Expenditure Statement Statement of Accounts comprising, inter alia, a copy each of the statement of (i) Receipt and Payment Statement, (ii) Income and Expenditure Statement (iii) Balance Sheet and (vii) item wise comparative statement should be submitted along with the UC, while applying for release of grants-in-aid in ongoing cases. Audited statement of accounts should be provided as soon as it is available. In the case of new proposals for grant-in-aid, Statement of Accounts for the previous 2 years are required.
    11. Item-wise breakup of expenditure Item-wise/post-wise break up of expenditure in respect of the last grant received is to be furnished in the prescribed form, with grant proposals for continuing cases, to enable assessment whether expenditure has been incurred by the NGO in the last financial year within the item-wise/post-wise sanction. Audited itemwise breakup of expenditure should be provided as soon as it is available
    12. Utilisation Certificate
    1. Utilization Certificate (UC) should be provided along with the audited item-wise breakup of expenditure, in the prescribed form and The structure or arrangement of the words of the form of the UC may not be altered or substituted or changed in any manner.
    2. Utilization Certificate (UC) should bear the signature of the authorised signatory/ signatories as per the resolution. Signature of the auditor (CA) alone or any person(s) other than the authorised signatory/ signatories is not acceptable.
    13. Resolution
    1. Resolution should be enclosed with the bond.
    2. Resolution should be signed by a majority of the members of the Managing/Executive Committee, authorising representative member/s of the NGO to sign the Bond on behalf of the NGO.
    3. Date of resolution should be indicated on resolution.
    4. In pursuance of the resolution, the bond etc. should bear the signature of the authorised signatory/ signatories.
    14. Bond
    1. The Indemnity Bond document, on a non-judicial stamp paper worth Rs. 20/- (Rupees twenty only), should be submitted in advance, along with the grant application, as per the new procedure, in the Bond format.
    2. The Indemnity Bond should be duly signed by the authorised signatory/ signatories of the NGO and executed in favour of this Ministry.